References: In
the text, a reference identified by means of
an author‘s name should be followed by the
date of the reference in parentheses. When
there are more than two authors, only the
first author‘s name should be mentioned,
followed by ’et al‘. In the event that an
author cited has had two or more works
published during the same year, the
reference, both in the text and in the
reference list, should be identified by a
lower case letter like ’a‘ and ’b‘ after the
date to distinguish the works.
Examples in Text
Clifford (1978), Fernandez et al. (1971),
(Griggs, 1990), (Parks and Harry, 1982),
(Henderson, 1981; Mohammed, 1999 a, b; Anna,
1988, 1975), (Sires et al., 1967)
should be listed at the end of the paper in
alphabetical order. Articles in preparation
or articles submitted for publication,
unpublished observations, personal
communications, should not be included in
the reference list but should only be
mentioned in the manuscript (e.g., K.
Gibson, University of Washington, U.S.A). Journal
names are abbreviated according to Chemical
Abstracts. Authors are fully responsible for
the accurate citing of the references.
Examples in reference section
Crawford JJ, Sims GK, Mulvaney RL,
Radosevich M (1998). Biodegradation of
atrazine under denitrifying conditions.
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 49: 618–623.
Cupples AM, Spormann AM, McCarty PL (2004).
Comparative evaluation of chloroethene
dechlorination to ethene by
Dehalococcoides-like microorganisms.
Environ. Sci. Technol., 38: 4768–4774.
AISE and CESIO (1999). Environmental
relevance of anaerobic biodegradability of
p. 6.
Abramowicz DA (1990). Aerobic and anaerobic
biodegradation of PCBs: a review. Crit. Rev.
Biotechnol., 10: 241–251.