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Peer Review Policy

Peer Review: The purpose of peer review is to ensure the articles are more sense of science and innovation, to make them more suitable to meet the standards in the fields of general science and discipline, and to ensure the quality and reputation of the articles published in SRI by removing the lousy and faulty research results.


SRI has established a worldwide researcher’s database. Every journals published in Science Park Journals has the reviewer board joined by known experts from all over the world. The SRI internet-based manuscripts handling model makes the peer review processing more efficient. Once you submit your manuscript, the SRI Manuscript Handling System will automatically recommend three experts to review your paper by matching the title and keywords.


Scientific Research and Impact (SRI) operates a web based peer review system for submissions that facilitate the procedure of peer review promptly.


Becoming a peer reviewer of Scientific Research and Impact (SRI)

To submit your resume or response for an invitation to review any manuscript of Scientific Research and Impact (SRI), please contact the editor of the Journal.

The SRI adopts a unified peer review policy and formulates the fundamental framework standard for peer review.


The peer review policies of Scientific Research and Impact (SRI) features:

SRI uses online manuscript handling system and internet-based peer review procedure to speed up the peer review process with high efficiency.

Editorial Teams of the journal has the judgments base on reviewers’ evaluations to decide the acceptance and rejection of the research articles and other articles based on the peer review system.

The reviewers of the journal should avoid reviewing articles from any author, research institute, academic group that have competing interests or benefit relationship with them.

To become a peer reviewer of SRI is voluntary, and the peer reviewer may not accept any form of remuneration or gifts from concerned authors or individuals.





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