About Science Park Journals
Science Park Journals is an STM (Science,
Technology and Medicine) publisher of open access, peer-reviewed journals that facilitate a cost effective access to the quality research findings in the domains of Science, Technology and Medicine and includes broad interest titles through the publication of online quality scholarly journals. All original research articles published by Science Park Journals are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. Science Park Journals levies an article-processing charge to cover the cost of the publication process.
SPJ are using the best available technology for rapid and reliable online Publications and has outstanding peer reviewers and Journal Management System. Authors publishing with Science Park Journals retain the copyright to their work, which allows articles to be re-used and re-distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.
Aims and scope
Science Park journals is an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) leading journals involved in scientific research and human development. Science Park journals deals with knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on fact that you can prove, by
experiments, theories, new developments in science and technology. The advance of modern science, laws of science, study and branches of science by system for organizing knowledge about a particular subject concerned with humanity and the society: Technology, Medicine and modern Discoveries are connected with science and in our review and edition more scientific approach is taken to solve management and human problem.
Why publish with Science park journals
- Fast submission and review process
- Guaranteed quality and interdisciplinary peer review process
- Editorial decision made by expert academic editors
- Research reaches the different scientific communities interested in your research in a timely manner
- Authors retain the copyright on their work
- Free certificate of publication
- Email notifications on new issue release
- Responsive and flexible editorial and publishing support
- Extensive global readership and online visibility
- International and high quality standards in both print and electronic versions
- Speedy distribution and efficient customer service
